Watch: Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky “Help Our Bochrim & Yungerleit With This Task”

Imagine learning a full seder .. without ONE interruption?

Sound impossible, yet for yungerleit participating in the mesikus HaTorah program, this is a  reality.

For most men dedicating their time to learning, they find that the moment they become immersed in their learning, there is one interruption after another. First, it’s an old friend that walks into the beis medrash, then it it’s their wife needing something urgently, and then a coffee.

Mesikus Hatorah’s program offers a monetary incentive for Yungerleit & Bochurim who learn consecutively.

They have ZERO interruptions!

Because of this, their Sedorim have completely changed. The sweet success of uninterrupted learning has given them a strong, unequaled push to keep the momentum going.

The Mesikus HaTorah program runs in many Yeshivas, many Kollelim, including over half of BMGs Batei Medrashim!

We are now turning to you.

Join in this special zechus 

Sponsor a Small Kollel/Chaburah for a day – $360

Medium sized Chaburah for a day – $500

Large Chaburah for a day – $1,000

Entire program for a day- $12,000

Now you can support the highest level of limud haTorah on a MASSIVE level by reaching all of our participants.

Click HERE to donate TODAY



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