Shock in Staten Island After Father of 3 Niftar Unexpectedly

With bitter tears in our eyes, we bring this heartbreaking cause to you, Am Yisroel, fully endorsed and backed by Harav Reuven Feinstein, Shlita, in hopes that you can help a young family reeling from the sudden loss of their husband and father, Liran, A”H, at the young age of 37. The family is shattered and heartbroken, reeling from shock and pain. DONATE NOW!


Today, as a young widow her three young orphans from Staten Island sit Shiva, the thought of a lifetime of impending expenses to take care of the family is simply too overwhelming. The children are young; only 11, seven and two. We therefore ask you all to open your hearts to help this special family. Liran, A”H was a wonderful father and husband. He was loving and caring and was devoted to serving Hashem. He loved studying Torah. He had a heart completely full of love and goodness and would do anything for anyone. His young children will never experience being walked to their Chupa by their father, never receive another Shabbos bracha from their father or have the direct support and help through life from their father. It is painful to know that they must now go through life without their loving father.


We come to you on behalf of Liran’s young family, backed by Gedolim from their community in Staten Island and across the country, hoping for your support for this family. This money will directly help with funeral and burial expenses, bills, rent, food, bar and bat mitzvahs to come, yeshiva, daily expenses and many more financial struggles ahead.


In the merit of your generous kindness, may you and your family know of no pain or suffering and always be on the giving side.


May the neshama of Liran ben Mazal, A”H, have an aliya. Baruch Dayan HaEmet. May his memory be a blessing.


You can also send a check payable to: Bikur Cholim of Staten Island and mail to Bikur Cholim of Staten Island, C/O Gottlieb, 121 Joseph Avenue, Staten Island, NY, 10314.


The Staten Island Community


Rabbi Reuven Feinstein Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva of Staten Island


Rabbi Tzvi HaLevi Pollack Shlita, Groswardein Rav, Cong. Agudas Shomrei Hadas SI 


Rabbi Yaakov Lehrfield Shlita, Rav, Young Israel of Staten Island


Rabbi Moshe Katzman Shlita, Rav, Chabad of SI


Rabbi Shimon Lawrence Shlita, Beth Yehuda


Rabbi Shmuel Choueka, Ohel Simha Congregation Park Ave Synagogue, Long Branch, NJ


Rabbi Chaim Yehuda HaLevi Pollack Shlita, Rosh Kollel, Willowbrook Community Kollel


Rabbi Eliyahu Quedoshim Shlita 


Rabbi Dovid Waldman Shlita, Rav, Khal Niles SI 


Rabbi Moshe Klien Shlita, Rav, Agudah Yisrael SI 


Rabbi Zishah Cohen Shlita, Sgan Rav, Igud Avreichim, Cong. Agudas Shomrei Hadas SI


Rabbi Josh Sturm Shlita, Assistant Rav, Young Israel of Staten Island


Rabbi Yochanan Ivry Shlita, Rav of Cong. Toras Emes 


Rabbi Elya Kravitz Shlita, Rav of Magen David SI


Rabbi Avigdor Fried Shlita, Bikur Cholim of Staten Island 

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