Join Ohr Somayach on their latest Revolution – “5 minutes that will change your Chanukah”

Ohr Somayach over the last 50 years has brought tens of thousands of individuals back to observing Torah and Mitzvos. Now they want to bring their classroom to you. From Yerushalyim to all across the world enjoy the brilliant insights of their world renowned rebbeim directly in your living room. They’ve expanded their audience through “a wider reach to a deeper path” their latest program of pre yom tov seminars bringing new meaning and simchas yom tov to so many individuals worldwide. 
Tune into their revolutionary idea of receiving a Chanukah message with a visual component professionally produced by one of their very own Rabbeim, Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair. Each day will feature another Rabbi from the wellsprings of talented, brilliant talmidei chachamim of Ohr Somayach. Listing of the Rabbis in the order of when they will be seen are Rabbi Akiva Tatz, Rabbi Nota Schiller, Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb, Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, Rabbi Yitzchok Breitowitz, Rabbi Yitzchok Greenblatt and Rabbi Yaakov A. Sinclair. It can be enjoyed by all individuals; men, women and teenagers wherever you may find yourself. To receive in your inbox the daily chanukah video clip under 5 minutes each, register for free at

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