Lag B’Omer 5781 … A Day We’ll Never Forget, A Name We Shall Never Forget

An incident when 45 young karbanos were brought to Hashem’s throne, Among them the young chassan Menachem Knoblovich z”l returned his soul on the lap of the saintly Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai!

It is crystal clear that all the souls who perished were like sacrifices on the heavenly Mizbe’ach. They were from the best and most beautiful among us; each one a pure and wholesome neshama.

It was not by chance that our beloved Menachem was one of those chosen by Hashem himself. He was the representative for the Yidden in Brooklyn at the kever of Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai.

His very image was a testament to his pure neshoma. All his friends and acquaintances testify that he was truly one of a kind.

But dear brother! Our Korban Tzibbur is crying out to us!

Who will remember me? Who will carry on my name?

 I did not merit to raise my own family!

This is time I was supposed to get married… I was supposed to raise my own family… 

Although in shomayim it was decreed differently, but at least I should have a legacy!

We must listen to the silent cries and invisible tears of this young chassan!

We must establish a legacy in his name.

Therefore, his family is establishing the “Keren Menachem Fund”, a foundation that will light up Yiddishe homes and bring financial relief to Talmidei Chachomim and Marbitzei Torah in Eretz Yisroel who struggle to cover unexpected expenses.

What bigger zchus than to perpetuate the memory of a pure soul taken to Yeshiva Shel Maala to the Heichal of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai himself?

Please give generously and help preserve the memory of this chassan, taken from us at what should have been his happiest moments. 

In return, may Hashem fulfill all your heart’s desires and shower upon you all his brachos. Amen.

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