Torah & Gedulah: Fulfill the Last Will and Testament of Maran Rosh Hayeshivah ztvk”l and Enter A Giant Raffle!

On 24 Kislev, we mark four years from the passing of Maran Rosh Hayeshivah Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Shteinman ztvk”l.  Rav Shteinman was exceedingly modest and humble, rarely imposing his will on another Jew and never asking for anything in return. Yet in a rare breach of habit moments before his passing, he delivered a single heartfelt request to Klal Yisrael: “Please learn as an ilui for my neshamah.” With this request on his lips, he restored his pure neshamah to the Kisei Hakavod.

Immediately after the week of shivah, a group of his closest talmidim assembled with the goal of actualizing the will of the tzaddik, and within short time, they’d launched a worldwide Torah operation named Makirim Tovah to express Klal Yisrael’s infinite gratitude to Rav Shteinman. In time, the organization changed its name and structure, and Yeshiva al Kivro was born.

In the mere four years since its inception, Yeshiva al Kivro has grown at an astounding rate to become the largest Beis Medrash in the world! Tens of thousands learners, including men and boys, women and girls of all levels, ages and walks of life participate regularly in dozens of learning tracks that encompass all realms of Torah. The jewel in the crown of Yeshiva al Kivro is the tests that participants take after completing each day’s study regimen. This is an essential tool that facilitates absorption of knowledge, depth of understanding, and ensures that the learners maintain a consistent learning seder.  Yeshiva al Kivro is active 24 hours a day, 6 days a week with learners from countries around the globe calling to be tested on the material that they studied and succeeding beyond expectation. Every month, over one million questions in learning are asked and answered!

In an unparalleled explosion of limud Torah, Yeshiva al Kivro tallies thousands of hours of learning each day, with members tested daily on the knowledge and understanding that they acquire in the course of their study.  The unique framework of learning and colossal zechuyos accumulated unite and ascend heavenward in the merit and l’ilui nishmas our beloved Rosh Hayeshivah who dedicated his heart and soul to Klal Yisrael and fostered the growth of our Torah world.

Whether or not you participate in Yeshiva al Kivro’s learning programs, you still have the opportunity to be part of this massive operation and acquire the zechuyos of hundreds of millions of hours of limud Torah that will safeguard you, your children and descendants ever after! With your contribution to Yeshiva al Kivro, you reap infinite zechuyos in olam haba, and now you also have the opportunity to reap the rewards in olam hazeh! Every ticket you purchase is another chance to win our $100,000 Raffle—a sum of money that will let you live out your dreams and put your financial stress to rest. It’s a can’t-miss opportunity – a chance to reap both Torah and riches!

>> I want to fulfill the request of Maran Rosh Hayeshivah Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Shteinman ztvk”l

Join us in expressing our hakaras hatov to Rav Shteinman who bore Klal Yisrael lovingly on his shoulders throughout his life without ever requesting anything in return. We owe this to him; we owe it to ourselves to do it for him!  Since Yeshiva al Kivro operates digitally, we have no offices, no secretarial staff, and virtually no overhead expenses at all, so the money you donate to support Yeshiva al Kivro goes directly to our lomdei Torah.  All our activities are conducted by talmidei chachamim who volunteer their time to prepare the questions for every test and work entirely l’shem Shamayim.

Enter the $100,000 raffle and choose from a variety of attractive Package Deals that enable you to double and triple your chances to win!

In addition, those who donate $360 or more will receive valuable gifts, including a sefer from Rav Shteinman’s son Hagaon Harav Shlomo Shteinman shlit”a and a shmirah signed by the Gedolei Hador shlit”a.

Don’t forget our Early Bird Special!  Donors who jump on the bandwagon quickly and purchase their Raffle tickets up until midnight of 12 Kislev/November 16 (Israeli time) enter our Early Bird raffle for an additional $10,000!

So what are you waiting for? Join us in supporting the largest Beis Medrash in the world!

CLICK HERE enter the Raffle, and remember—no matter who wins the Raffle, we all reap the zechuyos of Torah!

I want to fulfill the request of Maran Rosh Hayeshivah Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Shteinman ztvk”l


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