What happens when it snows in Eretz Yisroel?

As temperatures drop and winter quickly approaches, many parents in Eretz Yisroel are faced with the challenge of providing their children with coats and blankets to help keep them warm. This situation is only exacerbated when families in need must now also provide warm meals nightly and increased electric bills due to heaters, and most apartments in Eretz Yisroel are poorly insulated. DONATE NOW!

Unfortunately, due to these unprecedented times, the demand for winter coats and blankets has gone up. Not having a coat limits a child’s social life, since they aren’t able to play outside or go on outings. Children would show up to school in light sweaters, or no coat at all. Some come with sandals, while others have old jackets with holes. The cost of a winter coat, basic winter clothing and boots for each child is $180 – and in families with many children this cost becomes too much to bare.

We are calling out to all Yidden around the world to help with this cause, to assist children in ארץ הקודש. Every child deserves to feel the warmth and confidence that comes with the gift of a simple coat and new clothing and learn Torah without shivering from the cold. Donate today, and in the merit of this special mitzvah, Hashem will reward you middah k’neged middah, and keep your home full of warmth and happiness.


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