In Honor of Siyum Maseches Rosh Hashanah, Ki Heim Chayeinu Presents Two Must-See Videos About Tekias Shofar: WATCH BELOW

It’s been less than 2 years since The Siyum HaShas, and already, multitudes of lomdim the world over are completing their tenth masechta! Since The Siyum, Daf Hayomi chaburas everywhere have seen more and more new members as people are inspired to take the plunge, learn the Daf and make Torah the top priority in their day-to-day lives.

Much credit goes to Ki Heim Chayeinu, who have been behind many inspirational Daf-centered events since The Siyum, continually fuelling Klal Yisrael’s enthusiasm for Limud haDaf and Kvias Ittim LaTorah. Now, as Maseches Rosh Hashanah is completed, Ki Heim Chayeinu are back with two must-see videos about Tekias Shofar, bringing the Daf into the realm of the practical. 

The two videos are super practical Tekias Shofar guides by world-renowned shofar expert Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Meisner and are geared towards viewers of any age and stage.For Lomdei haDaf, this will add a whole new dimension to what you’ve learned.

“חכמת התקיעה – Tips and Tricks for Blowing Shofar ” is packed with hands-on tips and advice about how to blow shofar.

Ever wondered what it would take to learn to blow Shofar properly? Here’s your chance to learn the skills and techniques involved in blowing, plus the proper breathing and practice exercises you’ll need to perfect your new ability.

“מעשה התקיעה –  A Practical Guide for Blowing Shofar ” is a complete guide to the different types of sounds that we blow- from simple tekiah, shevarim, teruah to the different shittos and variations. You’ll be fascinated to recognize nuances that you may have never focused on before and to finally understand the differences and reasons for blowing each tekiah-shevarim-teruah combination, taking your havanas haDaf as well as kiyum mitzvas shofar up to a whole new level.

Gather your kids and get them involved in the sugyos you’ve just learned! Bring your learning to life with Ki Heim Chayeinu’s latest videos and share them with your friends and family.

Watch חכמת התקיעה and מעשה התקיעה right here!

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