Welcome Home – Chanukas Habayis and Hachnasos Sifrei Torah!

✔Step ONE: See the Vision. ✔Step TWO: Build the Reality. Step THREE: Bring it Home.

 It’s time for the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland to inaugurate its new home for Torah learning, the long-awaited Oakwood campus building! Transforming a dream to reality, the Chanukas Habayis will be held TODAY, November 7th at 10 a.m.! The Celebration will inaugurate the Mendy and Ita Klein Campus, the Simon and Rose Mandel building by the Jack, Joseph & Morton Mandel Foundation, and the Eliyahu and Masha Knapp Early Childhood.

At 11 a.m., They’ll be dancing their way inside under the chuppah for the Hachnosas Sifrei Torah, hugging three sifrei Torah as warmly as we embrace our own children – after all, this beautiful campus they’ll celebrate has all been built for our children and our Torah. Don’t miss it!

You can join in person at 1516 Warrensville Center Road Cleveland Heights, OH 44121 or via live stream at www.charidy.com/hac.

Additionally, the 2020 ONE VISION campaign has been an overwhelming success! They’re well into a bonus round, and can’t thank everyone enough for partnering with them this week.

One of the greatest indicators of the success is the number of people who donated to this campaign. More than an amazing 1,850 donations have been made to the 2020 ONE VISION Charidy page and it’s still going strong. They are continuing their bonus round as they celebrate the Chanukas Habayis. You can still participate at www.charidy.com/hac.

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