The Z’chus You Need!

What does someone need to do to find a shidduch these days? This question has quickly become a growing concern amongst our community. Sometimes it seems all but hopeless. But there is something YOU can do!

Returning for their 5th annual initiative, Chicago Chesed Fund’s Shas for Shidduchim is here to provide a powerful segulah for anyone struggling in the shidduch parsha. 

This Tu B’Shvat, Monday, January 17th, 2022, hundreds of lomdim will come together to complete the entirety of Shas in 24 hours. The holy Ben Ish Chai famously stated:

בקבלה מבואר קשר בין ט”ו באב לט”ו בשבט, וכמו שהראשון הוא יום של אהבה וזמן המסוגל למציאת זיווג, גם ט”ו בשבט
 בן איש חי –

“Kabbalah teaches that just like Tu B’Av offers a special opportunity to find one’s shidduch, Tu B’Shvat offers that very same opportunity!”

To join in this tremendous z’chus, you can sponsor a daf or a mesechta to create a powerful segulah for a shidduch for yourself (or up to 5 people you know). There’s nothing more powerful than Torah learning. When dealing with shidduchim, it’s important that we as Yidden turn to what’s kept our community’s foundation secure. 

All proceeds will directly support Chicago Chesed Fund’s many related services that facilitate shidduchim year-round. Including consistent proactive outreach to their extensive shadchanim network on behalf of singles, shidduch events and coaching, sheitels and wedding gowns for new kallahs and their families, and more. 

Secure your z’chus at!

Chicago Chesed Fund is a non-profit organization committed to helping families in crisis throughout the Chicagoland area. Through various programming and events, it provides critical assistance in the form of goods, services and financial support in an environment that maintains the dignity and integrity of each and every recipient.

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