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I was left with four small children!


Dear kind, caring fellow Jews,

At age 40, I was suddenly left a widow with four children, two of whom have disabilities.

No one saw it coming.

Right before Yom Kippur, after returning home from shul as usual, my husband collapsed. He was taken to the hospital, and even though we were vaccinated, he was diagnosed with COVID.

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My fine, healthy husband became so sick and so weak so fast. He could hardly breathe. He suffered so much and he fought so bravely, but in the end, his body succumbed. Within two weeks, on Hoshana Raba, at the end of Sukkot, my husband passed away. He died like the tzaddik he was.

It all happened so fast. We never had a chance to say goodbye to him. We could not even go to his funeral.

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All of a sudden our lives changed to such an extreme. We are still in shock.

My husband and I wished for and dreamed of so many things together, and now, here I am, alone, a widow left to manage by myself with two typical children and two children with disabilities. 

I know that my husband would want me to raise our children properly, to be a strong, supportive mother and to provide each child with their material, emotional and special medical needs, but I cannot do it alone.

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And this is why I turn to you, difficult and awkward as it is. This is a decree from Heaven. I want to fulfill my responsibilities to HaShem and to my husband, a”h, but I need your help to succeed. 

May HaShem repay your kindness, and may you and your families see your wishes and dreams fulfilled together in good health and with much joy.

I thank you and am grateful for all possible help.

Tizku L’mitzvos.


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