3-Year-Old: “My Abba Took Me To A Strange Party”

My name is Eli. I’m three years old and that means I have a yarmulke and peyos, because I’m a big boy.


That’s what my mommy told me when she had to leave to go sleep somewhere else so she could have medicine and doctors all the time… that I’m a big boy. 


Last week my Abba took me to a strange kind of party. Everyone was crying  and talking about Mommy and how nice she was. Somebody was sleeping inside of a tallis.When is she coming home? 


Abba keeps crying and crying. It’s cold but I don’t have a big warm coat like I did when I was two, and the heater doesn’t go on at night. A lot of things are different now.


Is this what it means to be a big boy?



Last week, Miriam Brim passed away from cancer at 28 years old. She left behind 3 little children, including 3-year-old Eliezer Yaakov. Eli is too young to understand that his Mommy is gone forever. 


He’s also too young to know that without Miriam’s salary, his father is unable to pay their basic bills . Donations are being collected for the Brim family via The Chesed Fund for a limited time. 


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