Bar Mitzvah Bachurs family can’t afford Tefillin

Dear Klal Yisroel,

I would like to give you an opportunity to bring true simcha to a pain ridden family. I will not go into too much detail, suffice it to say that the mother of the family was in a serious accident, and the whole family is suffering financially and emotionally.

They are now making a Bar mitzvah. This could turn out to be an oasis of simcha, a ray of light in their difficult lives. IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU. As of this date, they lack the basic needs for the bar mitzvah – clothing, teffilin and other basics. They are in bad shape. DONATE NOW!

You can change this and give this bar mitzvah boy a royal send off into manhood as he becomes another diamond in that crown called Klal yisroel. Imagine what simcha and strength you can give him by making his bar mitzvah a positive memorable occasion.

Please be part of this simcha and in this zechut you will see simchos in your family in good health and happiness with peace of mind and no financial issues, with tremendous nachas from those close to you

Refael Brodie


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