Crisis Looms Above the Heads of Shaarei Torah Talmidim

Yeshiva Shaarei Torah of Monsey is experiencing unprecedented growth. Ellul Zman saw the yeshiva’s Bais Medrash and dormitory filled to capacity, and they were forced to turn away applicants for the current winter Zman.  The yeshiva’s Hanhala of outstanding Talmidei Chachamim go out of their way to create a warm Ruach which the Bochurim appreciate. 

Although the Bais Medrash reverberates with the Kol Torah, a crisis is looming just above the heads of the Bochurim. The yeshiva’s roof has gracefully outlived its time despite a series of costly repairs. The situation has become dire as every rain causes water to drip into the Bais Medrash and classrooms, ruining Sforim and furniture and bringing down ceiling tiles. 

The cost of a new roof is prohibitive and the yeshiva has initiated a campaign to raise the necessary funds.  Please show your support by taking two minutes to donate online.  


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