[Rosh Hoshana Begins This Monday!] Start the New Year Off Right with 20+ Minute Daf


Daf Yomi is a tough challenge to keep up with. Every day, no matter what, you have to sit down and focus on the day’s daf – while forgetting about everything else.

Joining the right shiur can make all the difference. In just 20-30 minutes, Shaul C. Greenwald learns through the day’s daf at a rapid pace, yet in a surprisingly clear & geshmak style.

This shiur is available just about everywhere – web, WhatsApp, email, and all podcast platforms.

The shiur is perfect for a quick chazara, catching up dafim that you missed, or if you are ever short on time.

Make a meaningful kabbalah for the new year and join us as we begin Rosh Hoshana this Monday!




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