Today: It’s Yom Tov Again- Siyum Maseches Beitza presented by Ki Heim Chayeinu

Today, Sunday October 10th at 8:00pm, join Lomdei HaDaf across the world to mark the completion of Maseches Beitza.

On the verge of starting the ninth Masechta, we’re already nearly one third of the way through Shas! 

‘Yoma Tova L’Rabonon’- It’s Yom Tov again as we celebrate the Siyum on Maseches Beitza- the Masechta which Chazal call Maseches Yom Tov. And as with the inspiration of Yom Tov, we hope that the inspiration aroused by this Siyum will accompany us into the next Zman, giving us increased passion for our Torah and Avodas Hashem.

Tune in live tonight at 8pm @ to join the celebration!

As we hold our 8th Siyum, the excitement and sense of accomplishment increases cumulatively and tomorrow’s program reflects that. 

With his trademark English badchanus, Srully Williger will lead a moving kumzitz, accompanied by Rabbi Yisroel Besser sharing uplifting insights to give you food for thought.

Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Chaver Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah will share Divrei Chizuk in honor of this special occasion for Daf learners and their families across the globe.

The chaburah spotlight this time will feature the unique chaburah of R’ Kalman Frisch, known for taking Daf Yomi learning to a whole new level, through his innovative, enjoyable and insightful shiurim.

First time ever for wives of Lomdei HaDaf! Neshei HaDaf Women’s Program

The all new women’s-only broadcast will be hosted by the one and only Mrs Charlene Aminoff and has been specially planned for the women who stand behind all the Lomdim throughout Klal Yisroel.

The highlight will be an exclusive video feature on the topic of ‘Nashim Bmai Zachyan’, featuring Rav Aharon Feldman, Rav Yisroel Reisman,  Rav Nissan Kaplan, Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, and many others.

Women of the Daf, this is one Yom Tov you won’t have to cook for! So put down your pots and join the celebration!

8pm Tonight – Make sure to be there and tune in live at

Good Yom Tov!

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