History: See Newly Discovered Photo of R’ Shayele of Kerestir zt”l in his Youth

(scroll down to see photo) An historic newly discovered photo attributed to be R’ Shayele of Kerestir zt”l in his youth was recently discovered and is now being made public for the first time. Until now, there has only been a single photo of R’ Shayele that is known. This new photo will surely inspire many and will become a classic in the world of Torah literature.

R’ Shayele encouraged yidden to grow in their Avodas Hashem. Please allow this historic day to inspire you as well. Maseches Rosh Hashana Daf Yomi is beginning next week Monday and you can receive a free Artscroll or Mesivta Gemara when trying out R’ Eli Stefansky’s popular Daf Yomi shiur. CLICK HERE or visit JOINDAFYOMI.com to get your free gemara. 

See the photo of R’ Shayele after this special video about R’ Eli’s shiur joindafyomi.com

Newly discovered photo said to be of R’ Shayele of Kerestir zt”l

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