The First Time His Parents Saw Him, They Screamed In Horror

When Fraidy Davidovich looked at her son’s face for the very first time, she knew immediately that something was wrong.

She already had three kids prior, and for the first time, Fraidy was actually frightened. Her screaming little newborn son’s entire mouth was completely split apart, all the way from his lip to his nose. It looked disturbing. It looked wrong. Moments later, the doctors in the birthing ward in Hadassah Ein Kerem confirmed what was going on: Fraidy and Dovid’s fourth child was born with a cleft lip.

“I was so overwhelmed,” shares Fraidy. “I didn’t know anything about cleft lips and didn’t know how scared I should be…

Fraidy and Dovid were shocked by the news. But as every minute with their son passed, they slowly forgot about his unsettling deformity and fell in love with their adorable baby boy. But when things calmed down, the doctors had more shocking news to share:

“The doctors explained to us that Yitzchok would struggle to do anything independently for the rest of his life, from speaking to eating and more…”

The doctors continued to explain to the couple that reparative surgery was their baby’s only chance at a normal life. The only problem? The surgery wasn’t covered by insurance, and it cost over $50,000.  The Dovidich’s Rabbonim and every medical professional that they consulted over the next few days all agreed on the same thing: Yitzchok needed this surgery as soon as possible, and not doing so would be cruel to the child.

“Even though it was not covered by insurance, we had no choice,” explained a concerned Fraidy.

“We booked the surgery.”

Much to the couple’s relief, several weeks ago baby Yitzchok Chaim was finally approved for surgery and the couple reports that so far the operation appears to have been successful. But their problems are far from over.

“Boruch Hashem the surgery went well and we are so very thankful,” shares Fraidy.

“But now, we are terrified of something else– Finances. We have drained all of our resources for this surgery and are now struggling to pay our most basic bills…We have four kids, and a baby who is recovering from surgery. We urgently need help to take care of them, feed them, clothe them.”

Fraidy and Dovid did exactly what any loving parent would do for their child to live a normal, happy, healthy life. And now, they urgently need help from strangers across the world to get back on their feet.  Click here to help.

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