Your Merit for Aseres Yemei Teshuvah – Join Reb Chaim’s holy group!

At a meeting last week with representatives from the Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha, Maran Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, was moved to hear about the new mikveh currently being built in the central city of Nes Tziona. Without hesitation, he donated the first contribution of $180.

Rav Chaim is calling on the public to partner with him in this holy endeavor. If 1,800 people donate $180 each, it will cover the entire cost of the mikveh!

Nes Tziona is a growing city, located between Rishon L’Tzion and Rehovot. The population is mixed, with a secular or traditional majority, and a small minority of religious residents. 

The city’s mikveh is rundown and neglected, with tiles falling off the walls, broken showers, etc. Despite its central location, it is barely used due to the dilapidated condition.

In answer to requests from city residents, the Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha undertook to rebuild the mikveh. The plans include six preparation rooms and two pools, as well as a luxurious kallah room. 

Rav Chaim, who considers building mikva’os one of the most important, fundamental mitzvos, said that those who join the group will have a tremendous zechus for a good, New Year 5782 together with their families. In addition to the eternal merit of the mitzvah itself, the names of the donors and their families will be written in a special book which will be given to Reb Chaim to mention in prayer throughout Aseres Yemei Teshuvah and Yom Kippur.

For 80 years, the Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha has been building and renovating mikva’os all over Israel, ensuring the spread of taharah among Am Yisrael. Since its inception, the founders of the organization have received support from gedolei Yisroel across the spectrum of frum Jewry, always nonsectarian and apolitical – endorsed by the broad consensus.

Today’s new mikva’os are built with beauty and elegance in mind, offering an experience that is reminiscent of a pampering spa in one of Israel’s upscale hotels. Behind this shift in standards is the Merkaz L’Taharat Ha’Mishpacha, which is responsible for the building and renovation of most of Israel’s mikva’os, and receives all its funds from donations. Indeed, after every renovation, the number of women who come to fulfill the mitzvah increases greatly, “and we are not talking only about religious women for whom the mitzvah is a given, but also women who identify as secular,” noted Rabbi Chaim Levy, the organization’s chairman. 

“This policy is in keeping with the Chazon Ish, zt”l, who stated that the importance of a beautiful mikveh is not hiddur mitzvah; it is the mitzvah itself!” said Rabbi Levy.

Now during Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, you can use your pidyon kaparos to become part of Rav Chaim’s select group and earn his warm brachos for you and your family! Partner with us HERE


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