You Can Still Observe The Mitzvah Of Shmittah!

People have always believed that only farmers cultivating the land in the sixth year can fulfill the mitzvah of Shmita in the seventh year.

This is not true! For most of Am Yisroel, Shmita has not been affordable or accessible. Under the haskamos of Gedolei Yisrael, Agudas Shmita has completely changed that.

Only farmers who work on agricultural land during the 6th year, can keep the mitzvah of shmita in the 7th year.

The average Jew cannot become a farmer for the two years required to give him full schar for the mitzva. Agudas Shmita has the ultimate, most halachically mehudar solution

Ownership is attained via a trustee – a shliach, a representative who completely fulfills the mitzva and thus enables you to be zoche to its infinite blessing.

In order to merit this unique opportunity, b’hiddur, most poskim hold that one must privately own a piece of land in Eretz Yisroel, and have it formally registered in his name in the Israeli Tabo, rather than temporarily lease it

Register And Fulfill Mitzvas Shmita Behiddur!

Every Second You Don’t Own Land Is A Second You Are Missing Out on The Mitzvah of והשביע֞ת תשמט֣נה ונטשת֗ה 

In our modern times, there are no longer any excuses of “It’s too hard” or “it’s impossible.” Anyone, living anyplace in the world, can fulfill this rare mitzvah with the press of a button, or with one telephone call. Just a few years ago, this special mitzvah was available to Israeli farmers only.

Let’s do it with REAL ownership, registered in Israel’s Land Registry Bureau (טאבו), with full legal supervision by a lawyer who approves all legal documents and all legal aspects.

And of course, with full halachic supervision, of all stages of the process.

It’s Affordable! Plans starting at $30 a month for 12 Months

Join This Special Mitzvah and Rare Opportunity And Register TODAY


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