When We Care About Hashem’s Children, Hashem Cares About Our Children

In the new school year, which started less than two weeks ago, 5,855 children from different backgrounds started an education of Torah and mitzvos at a Shuvu school in Eretz Yisroel. However, thousands more did not. It is for this reason Shuvu needs your help. Help to ensure that no child is left behind.

To help raise funds for the precious neshamas of Klal Yisroel, Shuvu is launching a special Charidy campaign at www.Charidy.com/Shuvu  in which all funds will be matched with a 3 times multiple – that’s $3 for every $1 you donate. These funds will be used to grow the Shuvu network of schools which will allow more secular children to have an education of Torah and mitzvos and to become closer to Yiddishkeit. Every donation Shuvu receives helps bring children closer to Hashem.

Rav Pam zt’l, the nasi of Shuvu for decades, would say that the same way we are Hashem’s children, these secular children are also Hashem’s children. And when we show Hashem we care about his children, Hashem will show he cares about our children.

This Aseres Y’mei Teshuvah we can earn a tremendous zechus by helping Shuvu. It is only through the help of Klal Yisroel’s donations that Shuvu can help more children can leave public school to learn in a true Torah environment. Please join us at www.Charidy.com/Shuvu . Wishing you a kesiva v’chasima tova and much nachas from your children.

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