It’s Happening Next Week! After That, You Will Have To Wait Another 7 Years

In less than a week, on Erev Rosh Hashana, you have a rare opportunity-whether you’re in Eretz Yisroel or not, you can personally perform the rare mitzvah of Shmita:

“והשביעית תשמטנה ונטשתה” READ MORE

“And in the seventh year you must let it rest, and abandon it”

All owners of agricultural fields are obligated to make their crops hefker,

Thereby you will be zoche to the Parnassa blessing of “Vetzivisi es birchasi”.

These Are The LAST DAYS to Register And Fulfill Mitzvas Shmita Behiddur!

In our modern times, there are no longer any excuses of “It’s too hard” or “it’s impossible.” Anyone, living anyplace in the world, can fulfill this rare mitzvah with the press of a button, or with one telephone call. Just a few years ago, this special mitzvah was available to Israeli farmers only.

So, if we can personally fulfill this mitzvah, let’s do it in a way that is halachically sound, according to all strict opinions. 

Let’s do it with REAL ownership, registered in Israel’s Land Registry Bureau (טאבו), with full legal supervision by a lawyer who approves all legal documents and all legal aspects.

And of course, with full halachic supervision, of all stages of the process.

Agudat Shmita- Perform Mitzvahs Shmita with Full Halachic Supervision

In order to ensure each individual’s performance of this mitzvah according to all strict halachic opinions, Agudat Shmita is under the full supervision of Harav Hagaon Hagadol, Rav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, shlita, Rav of western Bnei Brak and Ga’avad of Sha’arei Hora’ah, who oversees the entire process, including all the small details:

  • The specific wording of the Shtar Kinyan and trust agreement, and full delineation of each individual’s position as trustee to perform the purchase on behalf of the registered.
  •  Personal participation in the purchase event performed on behalf of all registrees.
  •  Detailed guidelines for Agudat Shmita’s farmer- what he is allowed to do and what is forbidden.
  • Supervision during the Shmita year, ensuring that the land will not be worked on at all.

The purchase event on behalf of all registrees (who register until Sunday, 28th of Elul at 10:00 AM EST) will take place on Sunday evening Israel time, and all registrees will merit performing the mitzvah of:

 “והשביעית תשמטנה ונטשתה

The event declaring all crops as hefker on erev Shmita, and the mitzvah of:

 “ושבתה הארץ שבת לה’ “ every single moment of the entire upcoming Shmita year.

Those who join afterward will only fulfill the mitzva of “ושבתה הארץ שבת לה’ “, but will no longer be capable of fulfilling the mitzva of “והשביעית תשמטנה ונטשתה”.

It’s Affordable! Plans starting at $30 a month for 12 Months

Join This Special Mitzvah and Rare Opportunity And Register TODAY


WATCH: Hilarious Parody On Keeping Shmittah

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