Tefilah Mehalv – Get Into The Yom Tov Spirit – Free Downloads of Nusach HaTefilah

At the height of the Covid pandemic a year ago, Judah Lifschitz, a baal tefilah in Silver Spring, Maryland was asked by his Rav to record selections from the Yomim Noraim davening to lift the spirits of those who would be unable to attend shul so that they could listen to the music before yom tov. He recorded selections for Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Succos and created a special website www.yomtovnusach.com where the tracks were available for listening and download at no charge.

The response was extraordinary. Jews the world over, those who could come to shul and those who could not, first time baalei tefilah and experienced ones, young and old learned of the website and listened to the music during the Tishrei yomim tovim. 

Once again, the recordings are available for listening and download at no charge. To enjoy and be inspired by Tefilah Mehalev go to www.yomtovnusach.com

May Klal Yisrael be blessed with a chasiva vachasima tova.

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