The Trials, Tribulations, and Hope of the Aharoni Family

Rabbanit Chaya Beruriah Suffered so much! She passed away and Left Behind 8 Broken Hearted Orphans – The Youngest just 3 years old!


We MUST Help her Illustrious Yet Brokenhearted Husband and her Children Carry on with Life. 

Rabbanit Beruriah Leah Aharoni was a dynamo in the Maaleh Adumim Community. Together with her husband, Rav Elchanan Aharoni Rav of Kehillat Nofei Hasela, they made a spiritual transformation in their Kehillah and well beyond!

For 12 years since she and her husband were sent to Maaleh Adumim by HaRav Yaakov Hillel, Shita, Rosh Yeshivat Ahavat Shalom the Rabbanit stood at the helm, giving shiurim, spreading Judaism educating countless women on the beauty of Taharat Hamishpacha. 

She was the most loving mother and she had room and love in her heart for every person. She felt the pain of others and was there for everyone, enveloping them in love and care and showing them the way. 

Tragically the Rabbanit Beruriah Leah sustained a terminal illness. Even as she suffered, she continued to care for her beloved children with remarkable love and fortitude. She continued to deliver shiurim. 

Tragically Hashem took her as a korban Tzibbur. 

Her husband Rav Elchanan must now be a father and mother to the children. He lives in great poverty, and he has sustained mountains of debts providing his wife’s Medical care.

The Family is floundering. 8 Orphans are living in poverty. They have lost their mother. Should they lose their dignity? Should they starve?!


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