Why I Founded the Kollel L’Horaah Ma’asis

Rabbi Shloimy Greenwald, Founder of the Kollel L’Horaah Ma’asis in Crown Heights, tells why he founded the groundbreaking Kollel and his vision for the future.

Dear friends,

Last year, I had the Zchus to launch the Kollel L’Horaah Ma’asis in Crown Heights. 

The goal of this Kollel was to train young Rabbis to become Rabonim and Poskim, community and world leaders.

And all this infused with the dynamic vitality of a very powerful and unprecedented Chassidus program training the Kollel yungeleit to be proactive “neiros k’hoir” wherever they go – optimal representatives of the Rebbe, saturated with the methodology of Chassidus to address any life issue and challenge.

We give them all the proper training and teach them the appropriate skills, and bring out the unique potential of each Yungerman. 

This Kollel is a first of its kind, with active “hands on” learning in crucial subjects such as Mikvah, Ribbis, Kashrus, Shabbos, and many other day to day Halachos which have very practical applications in today’s world. 

As well as a unique Chassidus curriculum, applying Torah and Yiddishkeit to the personal and emotional needs of people today.

At it’s inception, we had no idea how incredibly successful this endeavor would become. From an original plan for 14 Yungeleit, we are now starting our 2nd year with over 30!

In order to ensure this will be a long term success, and in order to have the community involved with the Kolel, we structured the Kollel in a “Yissochor/Zevulun partnership” format. 

The Yungerleit learn, and are sponsored partially or entirely by “Baleibatim” in our community and around the world. 

Our partners see the value of such a Kollel, as our yungerleit gain valuable knowledge and applicable skills to become true Rabonim and community leaders, in addition to giving them the unique opportunity to be involved and responsible for the Torah learning on a daily basis.

As with all organizations, with the growing success comes growing overhead and expenses.

I am incredibly proud of the Kollel, and I want all of you to have the opportunity and Zchus to see it continue to grow!

The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe stated:

“The guaranteed form to secure a special salvation and deliverance for one’s children is through supporting those who study Torah”

I ask you to become a partner, a “Zevulun” in this Kollel, and have the zchus of fulfilling the important mitzvah of Limud Hatorah every day!



Rabbi Shloimy Greenwald

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