Bonei Olam Vzakeini Celebrates 3 Simchos in One Week

At V’zakeini, we daven for miracles. We hope for miracle babies born to couples who are struggling with infertility. This week, we celebrate not one, not two, but three miracle babies born to 3 V’zakeini couples!

Do Miracles happen? Yes, they do. And with Hashem’s help, they are happening with your tefillos and support.

The newest Vzakeini baby was born ב’ אלול – August 10th one year to the day of 20,000 women davening for their yeshua, on ב’ אלול, Parshas Shoftim 2020.

Vzakeini Couple Aug 21 , 2 Elul , Parshas Shoftim 2020. Vzakeini Members 21,245

Letter from the parents:

Dear Vzakeini Family,

We just wanted to say thank you for all your help throughout our entire journey. A thank you doesn’t seem to even suffice, as we never could have done the treatments without Bonei Olam. Aside from the financial help, the emotional support and knowledge of infertility was exceedingly helpful. Knowing we weren’t alone is how we were able to tackle it all.

We are extremely grateful to the Vzakeini initiative. On ב’ אלול – August 21st we were the Vzakeini couple of the week. We had 20k+ women davening for us during candle lighting that night. Exactly a year later on ב’ אלול – August 10th we had our precious baby boy. I can say with certainty, it was the power of this tefilla that we were zoche to this simcha.

A huge thank you to our counselor, for his help and guidance. Knowing he was just a phone call away made life just a little bit easier.
A bracha to the entire team, to continue doing what you’re doing. Helping out Klal Yisroel, family by family bringing such nachas to the world.

P.S. We couldn’t help but share a picture of our baby.

There are so many couples awaiting their turn for financial help for treatment and the force of the V’zakeini women storming the gates above. It is our mission that every couple who yearns for a child should be able to afford treatment. The more people who join in our mission, the further we can spread the light and joy of miracle babies across the world. Every contribution makes the difference, one week at a time, one fertility treatment at a time, one hopeful couple at a time.

Do you want to be part of miracles too? It’s not too late! Join today, there are more miracles waiting to happen!


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