Private Entities Are Misleading The Community

Gedolei Yisroel issue a global warning: private entities are operating under false pretenses — Keren Hashviis is the only organization whose actions can be trusted in all matters related to Shmitah k’halacha

Gedolei Yisroel issue a unified response to the many organizations with brazen offers of “land purchases” in Eretz Yisroel during the Shmitah year.

As the new Shmitah year approaches, various private enterprises are advertising the sale of agricultural land. Hagaon Hadayan Reb Naftali Nussbaum Shlitah published a strongly worded letter criticising the approach of these organisations: “The enterprises offering land purchases for leaving fallow in the Shmitah year are misleading the community.” They are therefore detracting from the support that Shmitah-observant farmers rely on.

Their common claim is that through the ‘sale’ by the organization, and the ‘purchase’ by the ‘buyer,’ one can be zoche to the mitzvah of Shmitah. According to Harav Nussbaum, the claim is faulty. He asserts that the average buyer is under the impression that their purchase supports a farmer and that his purchase ensures more land will lay fallow. Both are incorrect.

Already a few months ago, Gedolei Yisrael specifically stated that it is not enough to lease or buy a plot in Eretz Yisrael and leave it fallow. Rather, there is an obligation to materially assist the mesiras nefesh of the farmers, who without our support, may despair and falter in their continued Shmitah observance.

Harav Nussbaum uses strong language to describe the misleading effect of other initiatives, which actually damage the cause of extending Shmitah observance across Eretz Yisrael. “The outcome of the advertisements and disinformation is [that they are] misleading of the public, detracting from the essential objective of supporting the Giborei Koach.”

Harav Nussbaum continues to say, ““I feel compelled to voice my opinion publicly, that this is far from what the gedolim of generations past were moser nefesh for. Harav Moshe Aryeh Freund, Harav Shlomo Zalman Auervach, Harav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, HarAv Shmuel Halevi Wosner, and Harav Nissim Karelitz, z”l — these gedolei hador expended great efforts to support the farmers. And in line with this Keren Hashviis came into being,” continues HaRrav Nussbaum in his sharp letter.

“Their mandate is to strengthen and support the genuine farmers, the Giborei Koach, with the close guidance of the rabbis of the dedicated Beis Din for Shmitah matters. Through the assistance of our Jewish brethren the world over, they are able to support the farmers and, in this way, every one of the donors becomes a true partner in the observance of Shmitah.”

Hagaon Reb Moshe Shaul Klein Shlitah echoed the idea saying, “Keren Hashviis is the sole organisation through which one can carry out the mitzva of Hashbosas Haaretz and support Shmitah-observant farmers.”

A similar sentiment was expressed by one of the senior posek Hagaon Harav Moshe Shaul Klein Shlitah, who wrote that Keren Hashviis is the only entity whose actions can be trusted in all matters related to Shmitah k’halacha. It’s the only organization established and endorsed by gedolei hador.

Writes Harav Klein, “Keren Hashviis is the only organization that, in addition to supporting farmers by paying for their land lease and thus ensuring the keeping of Shmitah, constantly supervises the Shmitah observance. In addition, all monetary issues are supervised by the rabbonim in both establishing the correct priorities for the tzedakah money, and providing guidance about the correct way for disseminating the funds in Torah true fashion.”

During the past months both Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky Shlitah and Hagaon Harav Gershon Edelstein Shlitah, alongside venerated admorim, tzadikim, leaders of the generation, and members of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, signed a partnership deed with farmers through Keren Hashviis.

Together, they proclaimed that supporting Keren Hashviis is the ONLY way to strengthen Shmitah observance in Eretz Yisroel and to fulfill your personal mitzvah b’hiddur.

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