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Match: A Unique And Specialized Shidduch Initiative

We are excited to announce the launching of a new shidduch organization called MATCH! While new shidduch organizations are always exciting, there is something special about this shidduch group.

 What is MATCH?

 MATCH is a shidduch initiative for singles with fertility challenges.  MATCH believes that every person has a perfect zivug waiting for them. MATCH connects healthy singles with fertility challenges with others looking to build a bayis neeman B’yisreol.

Who may benefit from this organization? 

 In addition to singles with known fertility challenges, we also help those interested in pursuing these shidduchim, such as a divorcee or widow/widower with children. These singles will make great spouses and step parents. In truth, anyone who is looking for a great spouse, and is open to this possibility can turn to MATCH.

Is there any group that MATCH is not for?

 While there are many challenges that can create fertility concerns, MATCH is focused on emotionally healthy, well-adjusted singles, divorcees, widow/widowers looking for a partner to build a Bayis Neeman B’yisroel that’s right for them.

How did this initiative get started?

 We became aware of the unique challenge this group of singles face and heeded the call to help. With the guidance and haskama of prominent rabbanim we are hoping to help these individuals find their bashert. SENSITIVITY and CONFIDENTIALITY are our priority.

To contact us please email us @ [email protected] or you can text or leave a voice message at 347-391-0081

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