Moshe Ben Chana Leba Diagnosed With The Dreaded Disease

To the merciful children of Israel – רחמנים בני רחמנים

Please help answer the call and rescue the family of our dear friend R. Moshe Ben Chana Leba who is in agony – both physical and emotional. He has 2 sick children at home, and now he is suffering tremendously, with the dreaded disease לא עלינו

Please listen to the cry of his wife and seven children who are suffering through this all.


As Reb Moshe has not been able to hold down his steady job since he took ill, he has accumulated a very large amount of debt, including his rent from the past year, and the landlord is threatening to throw him out.

May Hashem bless all those who are able to answer the call and help this wonderful family through their hard time. And may your help stand as a זכות that your family should be blessed with complete health.


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