Honor The Legacy of Rav Pam zt”l

This Friday, August 6th
כ’’ח – אב 

Connect to Rav Pams Legacy Through Shuvu!

Shuvu was Rav Pam’s beloved cause, his pride, and joy. Today, Shuvu has evolved to become one of the largest educational networks in Israel, saving tens of thousands of Jews from the abyss of secularism – a reality that has shaped Israel’s current spiritual landscape. 

This past school year was a challenging one. The reality of COVID has left people thirsting for a greater connection with Hashem, and hundreds of parents have suddenly turned to us to bring their children into Shuvu’s schools. At the same time, the financial impact of COVID has impacted our funding on many fronts. 

With schools around Israel set to open- in some form- in just two weeks’ time, we need your help to accommodate our students, new and old. 

To honor Rav Pam’s legacy, a group of Talmidim have agreed to match all donations to get these schools open. Precious Jewish neshamos, otherwise unexposed to authentic Torah Judaism, are counting on YOU to help introduce them to the beauty of Yiddishkeit. These children are our responsibility- each and every one of us. 

One donation. Double the impact. 

Donate at:
5218 16th Ave., Brooklyn. NY 11204

Watch the documentary HERE

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