We Are Lighting Up The Sky: An Electric Concert You Have Got To Attend

After a year and a half of COVID-related quiet, we are all ready for something awesome!  We can’t wait to get out, dance, and be happy—and the time is now!

On Tuesday, August 17th at 7:30 pm, join us at DSN / Casino Beach Club as Yaakov Shwekey lights up the beach in Deal, New Jersey with THE SPECIAL CHILDREN’S CENTER Electric Concert.

Get your tickets and join The Center as we rock the house for what will surely be a magical evening. You can be a part of the Center’s growth, and help to put smiles on the faces of the best kids in the world.

Steve Rosenberg, Center supporter, asked this question to friends of the Center, “How many causes can you support knowing full well that your creator is giving you a standing ovation?”

To BUY TICKETS or DONATE visit TheCenterNJ.org


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