Energy and Education at the EDN Conference

By: Brocha Miller

How do the leaders of Klal Yisroel’s mosdos spend their summer? Those hard working executive directors, administrators and fundraisers who are responsible for the day to day logistics, overall finances, and everything in between in running a successful yeshiva, Bais Yaakov or chesed organization? 

At the Executive Director Network’s Annual Conference on July 13th, executive directors from across the United States and Canada joined together for a day of education, networking and most important, the chizuk of pilpul chaverim. Two hundred executive directors gathered for practical workshops, interactive sessions and divrei chizuk. 

“Even after twenty years in the business, there’s always more to learn,” said Rabbi Pinchos Lando. “And the presenters are so honest and open. Everyone is really here to help, you can feel that authenticity.”

“There’s an energy in the room,” says Rabbi Yitzchok Krausz, one of the founders of EDN, ”A feeling of people coming together, to grow and belong to something greater.” Indeed, the purpose of EDN is just that, to provide support and education to executive directors looking to expand their knowledge and skill set.

Fifteen vendors servicing the non-profit industries participated as sponsors of the conference, providing attendees with up-to-date resources available to them.

In a competitive industry like fundraising, it was a tremendous Kiddush Hashem to see rival companies join together. The session “The New Fundraising Era” put and CauseMatch on stage at the same time. Rather than badmouth the other, they worked together to give real answers to real questions, each highlighting their services without negativity to the other company. After the discussion, the two companies joined at the booth of a third competitor, Charidy, to get professional head shots taken.

Another hot topic was the challenges of middle management, presented by Rabbi Naphtali Hoff, and titled “Role Play Problem Solving Using the ‘Mastermind’ Technique.” Every executive director can relate to the struggles of trying to run a mosad efficiently, balancing the needs of the staff with the demands of the administration. The panel discussion presented common scenarios and solutions. It also included short breaks for the executive directors to talk among themselves and discuss what they would do in a similar situation. “There was a booming response in the room,” says Rabbi Eliyahu Stern, one of the founders of EDN. “Every person had something to share because they all had been in a similar situation. The topic really struck a chord.”

In a revolutionary session, Chaim Fink, President and CEO of Tamar Fink Wealth Impact, spoke on Can Mosdos Take the Next Big Step?  For many mosdos, legacy giving and future donations was only a pipe dream until now. But in recent times, many mosdos are in better financial straits, which allows them to think about long term planning. It’s a sophisticated concept that many frum schools or organizations may not have considered. “We’re trying to bring mosdos to the next level. This is the pulse of the EDN,” says Rabbi Eliezer Stern, one of the founders. 

Rabbi Efraim Eliyahu Shapiro inspired the group with the chashivus of their role as “Chizakti es Yisroel.” Like the Bluzhover Rebbe who made the jump over the river by holding on to the coattails of his ancestors, every member of EDN is holding on to the other. This shared chizuk is the essence of EDN, and a powerful message for executive directors to carry them through the coming year.

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