Still Looking For A High School That Is Perfect For Your Daughter?

Looking for a wholesome girls high-school alternative to many of the “standard” options in major metropolitan frum communities across America? Read on to discover a unique new educational opportunity for you and your daughter.

Ateres High School for Girls, located in Savannah, Georgia, began in 2019 -2020 under an administration with more than 40 years of classroom experience, and over 20 years’ experience in school administration.

Over the last few decades, Savannah has sent over thirty young ladies to various cities around the country, to afford them the opportunity to continue their growth as Bnos Torah in a proper Torah environment. We established our new high school primarily in response to our local girls’ desire to remain at home for their high school years. Now is our opportunity to expand further.

At Ateres High School, students are embraced by the natural warmth of Southerners. Our school environment mirrors what makes the South so special and welcoming. Our school is at the center of a warm and nurturing community within which the girls flourish and feel connected. A small student body is perfect to engender the feeling that each student matters and makes a difference with her contribution.

Students are encouraged to grow in their Ruchnius as they mature into fine, young adults. Ateres offers varied and rich programming in both Limudei Kodesh and General Studies. In Limudai Kodesh we offer: Historia, Parshas Hashavua, Ivrit, Chumash, B’kius in Chumash, Navi, Kesuvim, Halacha and Hashkafa. The girls have a Yedios Klalios challenge packet that builds upon itself each year. They are expected to master the information at various intervals throughout the school year.

We also provide each student with a superior education through a challenging dual curriculum. Ateres High School for Girls is accredited by SACS, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Progress and ambition are built into our secular studies program, as our students have the opportunity to take honor classes in 9th grade and AP courses in all subjects for their remaining high school years.

In addition to our academics, we offer numerous extra-curricular programs and activities which include G.O. (which provides student activities) and community service programs. Our girls’ high school experience is enriched with special speakers and events during evenings and weekends.

Ateres High School for Girls is dedicated to ensuring our students experience their high school years in a nurturing, challenging, and enjoyable environment. For more information, or to schedule an interview, please contact:

Email: [email protected] Phone: 912-352-7994

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