The Top Five Reasons Men Are Pursuing This Degree

News that Sara Schenirer’s Men’s Division now offers a master’s in cybersecurity for men has been greeted with great excitement by the frum community. 

“Every day, yungerleit reach out to discuss this degree option with me,” says Rabbi Ariel Leon, Director of the Men’s Division. “They’re excited to join, and they see it as an ideal choice for earning a lucrative parnassah in a field that is ideal for a frum man. The courses are challenging, but jobs are readily available, and the pay scale is quite high.”

To offer this degree program, Sara Schenirer, a leader in frum degrees, has partnered with The Katz School of Science and Health, a division of Yeshiva University, to offer this exclusive program. 

At a recent Open House, Dr. Paul Russo PhD, Dean of the Katz School, shared that graduates of the program have been hired by companies such as Deloitte and Touche, JPMorgan Chase Bank, and many other large companies. 

“Our graduates are job-ready when they complete the program, and these companies are snatching them up,” said Dean Russo.

The program is ideal for frum men because they can use their yeshiva degrees to apply for the master’s program, and the entire program is live-online. Classes are held two evenings each week over Zoom. This means that students can be located anywhere so long as they’re available to join the classes. The professors are highly dedicated, and the program schedule is built around the Jewish calendar. 

According to Daniel Lamm, a recent graduate of the cybersecurity master’s program, “Every part of the program was dedicated to teaching us what we needed to succeed in the job market. There was no wasted time or busywork. Also, because the courses were in the evening, I was able to maintain my chavrusos and help out at home throughout the entire program.”

“This program was designed specifically for frum, heimishe men so that they can earn a real parnassah in a field that allows them to work from anywhere. This is one of the most exciting career options for frum men available today,” explains Rabbi Elazar Meisels, Dean of Sara Schenirer. “There’s a reason that so many men are registering for the program.”

Indeed, there’s more than one reason. Here are the top five:

  1. Job availability: Jobs, including remote employment, are readily available. See heat map of jobs here.

  2. Salary: A high pay scale makes this profession a lucrative one.

  3. Schedule: The master’s program takes place in the evening and accommodates the Jewish calendar.

  4. Certification: In addition to an advanced degree, graduates also earn three industry-standard certifications.

  5. Internship: Graduates emerge with job-ready skills, ready to be hired.

To learn more about the program and hear from the Dean Russo and past students of the program, please click here.

To speak with a Sara Schenirer Men’s advisor and learn whether this program is right for you, please email Rabbi Ariel Leon at [email protected], call (718) 633-8557 ext. 40, or visit our website


Applications are now being accepted for the Fall 2021 semester, and available slots are going fast. Reach out today!

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