How Do You Face the Face of Antisemitism?

How Do You Face the Face of Antisemitism?

You Can’t Afford to Miss This Project Witness Tishah B’Av Program

Today, we are all once again facing the multiple national challenges posed by virulently proliferating antisemitism, by a decreasing sense of Jewish identity, and by the diminishing ability of the world to practice tolerance and respect for others. In contrast, we hold up the Holocaust generation as an example and acknowledge the debt we owe them for the faith in mankind they demonstrated in the face of unspeakable horrors. 

Deeply committed to its goals to educate, inspire and transform, Project Witness is determined to promote Jewish awareness and identity, working tirelessly to guarantee that the courage and faith of the past become a guiding light for future generations.

On Tishah B’Av, you will have the opportunity to unite and sustain Klal Yisrael in a singular manner. On that sad date, Project Witness will be presenting a unique program as a community service. 

“Facing the Face of Antisemitism” is a program that cannot be missed. It presents highly relevant discussions on this rapidly developing topic of antisemitism by a representative group of leaders from a variety of vantage points.

Chaired by former New York City Councilman David Greenfield, the program’s speakers will address antisemitism from a multiplicity of critical perspectives. 

Among the speakers, Project Witness is privileged to present Harav Elya Brudny; Dr. Michael Berenbaum; Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein; Rabbi Yonoson Rietti; Mr. Avi Schick, Esq.; Mr. Abe Foxman; NYPD Deputy Chief Raul Stephenson, Commanding Officer, NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force; Deputy Inspector Jessica Corey; Mr. Michael Cohen of the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and more. 

This once-in-a-lifetime program can be accessed on July 17 and 18 on the Project Witness website at 

May we very soon see the day when Tishah B’Av is no longer connected to sadness and mourning, but rather to joy and gladness, as all of Klal Yisrael welcomes the imminent Geulah. 

Watch it here:

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