How do parents learn with their blind children?

A  father called CSB Care.

“My son is blind. How can I learn with my son if I don’t know Braile?”

CSB CARE wanted to find an answer to that question so that father and son could learn together, even if the son could not see and the father could not read Braille. They therefore invented a system that combines Hebrew Braille with print, completely revolutionizing the way blind children can be taught by their parents and teachers.

But it doesn’t end there.

Since 1997, CSB CARE has been helping visually impaired and blind people to learn Torah. Blind children use the Torah Braille system to help them with their schoolwork. Blind adults use this same system to learn with their children and chavrusos, and to follow along during shiurim.

CSB clients can receive any sefer in Braille, opening up a whole new world of opportunity — and amassing priceless hours of Torah learning.

CSB is running a campaign this week to riase $600,000 needed to continue providing services for more blind people in our community.

We only keep on providing these vital services with the help and support of caring supporters. Please help us reach our goal today.


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