OU Kosher Presents: The Harry H. Beren ASK OU Virtual Seminar 2021: Kosher Encounter

Due to popular demand following last year’s virtual kosher seminar  and the recent New Frontiers in Kosher webinar, OU Kosher Community Relations is pleased to present Kosher Encounter. 

This weeklong seminar will run from Monday, July 19 through July 22, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM EDT each day.


This innovative program will be webcast live from numerous OU-certified facilities.  Come explore the complexities of producing wine, the chemistry of baking and menu preparation in an upscale NYC kosher restaurant. 

The seminar will again culminate in a question and answer session with OU Kosher’s leadership.


The program will take place online and we invite you to join us via zoom or teleconference. Space is limited so register today by logging on to oukosher.org/askou or emailing [email protected].

Registration is free as a public service.


Much thanks to the Harry H. Beren Foundation of Lakewood, NJ, for their support in helping to make this event possible. 

 OU Kosher, the world’s largest kosher certification agency, certifies more than 1 million items produced in 10,000 plants in over 100 countries. For more information, visit: https://oukosher.org/.   

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