Today June 22nd, is election day. Today is the day that you can change our neighborhood.

Just a few minutes of your time can ensure a better future for you and your neighborhood. nfortunately, our great city is deteriorating; crime is increasing, taxes are on the rise, and anti-Semitism is becoming a more significant issue every day. You can bring about the change this city needs.

Heshy Tischler, who was born and raised in Brooklyn, is running for city council of the 48th district, which includes areas like Brighton Beach, Manhattan Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Midwood, and more. He understands precisely the challenges that you face every day and will stand up for your rights. Heshy is a fighter and will battle to improve our neighborhood. For over 30 years, Heshy has been involved in community activism. He is the right person to fix the 48th district.

Remember that when local stores and businesses were under attack, Heshy is the one that stood up for them. When the city enacted excessive regulations and unreasonably penalizing institutions and individuals, Heshy led the opposition and fought for our religious freedoms. Heshy is the one that was at the forefront of restoring ownership of New York City’s parks to its citizens.

Today we unite and let our voices be heard; we want Heshy. 

Visit to find out exactly where your polling station is located and go out to vote.

Vote Today!


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