Can you Answer These Relevant Employee-Employer Questions?

  1. May I make personal phone calls during work hours? How much downtime is permitted?
  2. I hired an appliance technician without discussing the fee prior to his work. How much may he charge?
  3. When must I pay my employees? What is considered “on time”?
  4. May a Rebbe who was hired to teach a boy his bar mitzvah parsha, quit in the middle of the job?
  5. Is an apple picker in an orchard permitted to eat from the fruits of his labor? What about a worker in a bakery?
  6. Someone tutored my son without being asked to do so. Does he have the right to demand payment?

Join Yeshivas Iyun Halacha’s exciting הלכות שכירת פועלים program to find out the answers

On July 1 Yeshivas Iyun Halacha will be starting another section of its Choshen Mishpat program.  The shiurim, written in English, explain the source of the Shulchan Aruch, bring the nosei keilim – Sm”a, Sha”ch, Nesivos, Ketzos and halacha l’maseh questions.  

Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is a worldwide Yeshiva geared for anyone looking to learn halacha seriously, even with a limited amount of time.   Whether you’re an avreich, physician, attorney, businessman, or retiree; if you are looking for structured learning in halacha, Yeshivas Iyun Halacha is the solution.

Yeshivas Iyun Halacha allows you to:

  • Learn in-depth shiurim at any time of day.
  • Review the halachic material until you master it.
  • Receive individual attention with its Rabbanim via Zoom, phone, and email.

To find out more about Yeshivas Iyun Halacha, click here.

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