Find Your Strengths: Know Your Career


PCS/ Agudath Israel Presents Deena Nahari, PCC, Noted Coach, for a Free Seminar for Seminary Graduates and Women


Wednesday, June 23th, 8:00 pm. 


At PCS 1771 Madison Ave.

 Or join us on Zoom/ teleconference 


Are you entering the workforce? There are so many questions. 


 -How can I utilize my talents and strengths to help support my family? 


-What will I be good at? How can I make sure that I don’t get stuck at a boring, dead-end job?


 -Do I really need a degree? 


-How can I find a position with long term salary growth? 



PCS/ Agudath Israel is hosting acclaimed coach, Deena Nahari, for seminary graduates and women. 

Q and A session to follow.

RSVP: For link/ teleconference number email: [email protected] 


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