Join: A Parent’s Role In Successful Dating. Live Seminar

Join us tomorrow night via Zoom as Mrs. Rochel Goldbaum, a highly sought after Dating Mentor and Kallah Teacher, shares tools to help guide parents ease the shidduch dating process in their home.


We look forward to hearing her talk about a parent’s role in the dating process.


Crucial topics that she will cover include:

  • Tools on how to effectively reference check 

  • How to recognize and deal with red flags if they arise and appropriate resources of where to turn

  • Setting up healthy boundaries throughout the process


She will also review some basic dating foundations that are essential for all parents to be aware of. You will leave feeling empowered to provide a stronger support system for the singles most dear to you.


This free event is a must for all parents or anyone assuming the role of parent-figure for a single.

Please join us by registering at:

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