In Light Of This Unstable Period, Including The Events Of The Past Year And A Half: The “Increased Shmirah” Fund !

In light of this unstable period, including the events of the past year and a half:

A Unique Opportunity to Participate in the “Increased Shmirah” Fund Initiated By Maran Sar HaTorah HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a

Participants in the “Increased Shmirah” fund merit additional brachah and shmirah in our present situation, in which the middas hadin is prevalent Tzedakah received by the “Increased Shmirah” fund is earmarked to assist hundreds of additional poor families who desperately need support

Participate in the “Increased Shmirah” Fund>>>>

‘Have mercy on us and on our young children!’: Due to the many requests, and with the agreement of Maran HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a, a special opportunity was made available today to participate in the fund for “Increased Shmirah,” originated by Maran shlit”a, in light of the events enveloping Am Yisrael in the past year and a half.

Here are three options by which one can merit increased shmirah [protection]:

“And I will remove the illness from within your midst”- The V’hasirosi Fund

“The best hishtadlus during this period is to contribute to Kupat Ha’ir’s ‘V’hasirosi Machalah M’Kirbecha’ fund

Participate in the “Increased Shmirah” Fund>>>>

These are the words said by Maran HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a: “Those who contribute a significant sum to Kupat Ha’ir’s ‘V’hasirosi Machalah M’Kirbecha’ fund should merit mida k’neged mida that he should not fall ill, nor should there be ill people in his house”  Besides the regular tefillos which Maran HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a davens on behalf of Kupat Ha’ir contributors, he will add special tefillos every erev Rosh Chodesh especially for contributors to the ‘V’hasirosi Machalah M’Kirbecha’ fund Participants in the fund receive a “Certificate of Shmirah” with the bracha “He should not fall ill, nor should there be ill people in his house”


The “Increased Shmirah” Fund

This special fund is exactly as described by its name- it acts as a measure of increased protection during this unstable period that we are currently experiencing. Participants in the “Increased Shmirah” fund merit additional brachah and shmirah during this time in which the midas hadin is prevalent r”l; and receive a special kameya which was chosen and blessed by Maran HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a.

Participate in the “Increased Shmirah” Fund>>>>

When Maran HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a initiated this new fund, it was intended to assist additional families who need to receive support from Kupat Ha’ir. Maran shlit”a conveyed that participation in this fund will be a true “shield of tzedaka” for each day of the year, and whoever gives approximately $3 a day (or $1175) should merit this increased shmirah.


The “Certificate of Miracles” Fund

This fund was established before La’G B’Omer; each contributor to this fund should merit to see miracles. He receives a “Certificate of Miracles,” which was signed in the cave in Peki’in by an emissary of Maran HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a.

Peki’in- from where the neis started!

Peki’in was the cave in which Rashb”i and his son learned for twelve years, and afterwards learned another year- altogether they learned there a total of thirteen years. The cave in Peki’in is where the carob tree which provided them with their food grew, and where the spring appeared from which they had water to drink and wash their hands. In Peki’in Rashb”i and his son sat, covered by sand, and learned the entire Torah with astounding diligence.

In essence, Peki’in was the environment in which Rashb”i and his son grew and thrived—it was their beis medrash, night and day, for thirteen long years.

Peki’in- the source of the learning, the source of the neis.

It’s to this cave that Maran wanted us to go and daven. Here is where he suggested that we go on the day of the hilula, on La”G B’Omer. Here is where Rabi Shimon and his son became who they were. This place absorbed all the Torah they learned for the duration of 13 long years. Only Torah- and nothing else- occupied them. The cave in Peki’in is an auspicious place on the yom hilula; whoever wants to merit awesome yeshuos would do well to enter…

Participate in the “Increased Shmirah” Fund>>>>

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