“I don’t have a cent; I desperately need your help”: the widow who was left alone pleads

She struggled with the challenges of a sick husband, a Down’s syndrome child, and a mountain of debt: The widow cries for help

Devorah Chazan went through such awful, grueling years. She ran from doctor to doctor and hospital to hospital, doing everything in order to save her husband’s life, until he was niftar. Now she is left penniless, struggling with the challenge of a Down’s syndrome child. Having no choice, she turns to the public to have pity on her and to help her with her heavy burden of debt

Merciful Jews, please help me, DONATE  NOW>>>

She’s mother to thirteen children, but what she’s been through in her life is simply inconceivable. Several years ago her husband fell ill with a terrible disease and she, like a good wife, left her work and dedicated her life to help and assist him.

She ran from doctor to doctor and hospital to hospital, doing everything in order to save her husband’s life. She spent whatever little money she had, including her pension money, in order to help him and pay for his treatments.

But then one day it happened- her husband left this world, leaving her alone with thirteen children, the youngest with Down’s syndrome.

Two weeks after his petirah, the widow, Devorah Chazan shetichye, married off her son. Without any financial means, she did everything possible in order to help him get married. Also now, before Pesach, she married off her twelfth child.

And now? Now she has nothing. She remains alone in her home, without a husband, without money- she and her youngest child with Down’s syndrome.

She desperately needs our help; left with no choice, she turns to the public and pleads: She needs to raise a Down’s syndrome child alone, which is no easy task; she needs us to stand by her side.

She has nothing; absolutely no funds whatsoever. She has a terrible burden of debt that weighs heavily on her shoulders; she is begging for our help. We can’t ignore her; we need to come to her aid and help

Merciful Jews, please help me, DONATE  NOW>>>

Donations can also be made to Kupat Ha’ir Fund #6518, by phone 1-888-587-2842, or by mailing a check to American Friends of Kupat Ha’ir, 4415 14th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11219.

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