Your Daughter is Home, Now What?

You have just welcomed your daughter home after a wonderful year.

       Now take the next step.

          Call The New Seminary today and make an appointment to meet and discuss all the degree options that we have.

The New Seminary’s unique system has young women studying in a seminary setting for a year, enjoying limudim in kodesh subjects, while earning college credits toward a fully recognized degree.

After just a year’s time, your daughter can earn her degree from a legitimate institution – while staying within a wonderful Bais Yaakov seviva – and go on to any of the fields she might be interested in.

Join the thousands of graduates who earn their parnassah – in a way that fits within their priorities of family and home.

To reach Rebbetzin Bulka and her staff, reach out at 718.769.8160 or email [email protected].

Visit their website at

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