Mesivta Camp Colorado Masmidim: Registration Closing Soon!

Situated high in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado Masmidim affords serious Mesivta age bochurim the summer of a lifetime.


Daily First seder and Night seder, lead by a professional Maggid Shiur, Colorado Masmidim provides a full program of structured activities from afternoon until midnight. Experience the thrill of white water rafting in the Colorado River, the exhilaration of jeeping in the desert of Utah. Enjoy the Great Sand Dunes National Park, the challenge of conquering snow-capped mountain peaks, and the awe of tent camping amid North Americas’ most breathtaking scenery. From boat sliding to water parks, canyons to glaciers, Colorado Masmidim offers incomparable adventure, with the highest Ruchniyus standards.

Colorado Masmidim; a camp like no other!

“The balance between Ruchniyus and gashmius – learning and trips was perfect, my son was busy non stop! Thank you!!”

MM ‘2015

“This program is the ideal for every Mesivta Bochur who needs a break from an intense zman, in a Toradike atmosphere, my son doesn’t stop talking about it!”

YG ‘2016

“Rabbi Mandel, Thank you again and again! My son loved every minute of kosher and healthy fun!”

DG ‘2018

“Rabbi Mandel, all I can say is that its already Purim and my zman is going strong clearly a result of coming to CM!”

CS ‘2019

Rabbi Mordechai Mandel- 646 824 9225 or email [email protected]


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