A library of Seforim. A lifetime of Torah. A legacy of true Avodah. Rav Shimshon Pincus’s ZT”L Children Continue His Legacy

It’s been 20 years since R’ Shimshon Dovid Pincus’s ZT” L life was cut short.

 20 years of inspiration, introspection, and influence. His writings and teachings ignite a spark in Yidden from across the spectrum of religious observance – because his words are real, true, and heartfelt.

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His works have become classics – and one passage is enough to tell us why. From young to old, intellectual to idealistic, Israeli to American: his words resonate with all ages, demographics, and levels.

His impactful messages on all areas of Yiddishkeit are popular the world over. The richness of Shabbos.

The magic of Emunah.

The depth of our History.

And the exalted role of the Jewish woman.

But above all else, R’ Shimshon wanted one thing: Torah. To delve into the finely woven tapestry of Gemara, Rashi, Tosfos.

To help continue his legacy, click here

After his tragic death, the Rav’s family members approached Harav Chaim Kanievsky to inquire about the most fitting legacy for his father’s exalted life.

Rav Chaim answered unequivocally: The words of Torah would be the most powerful tribute to their father’s life’s mission.


HaGaon Sar HaTorah HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlit” a signing the haskama.

And so, Kollel Nefesh Shimshon of Yerushalayim, led by Harav Yosef Dov Pincus Shlit” a, is dedicated in his father’s memory.

This is not only a stellar Makom Torah with the most intense level of Torah learning.

It is a continuation of Harav Pincus’ life, a place where his teachings and Derech are learned and imbibed through the tireless dedication of his family.

His life was too short.

But his legacy lives on – in his Torah.

Support the only Kollel dedicated to learning R’ Shimshon’s Torah – and perpetuating his ideals he held so dear.

Click here to help us raise $180k to keep his Torah alive!

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