The Atzeres Achdus: Zemiros V’hisorrerus in the Aftermath of Meron TONIGHT!

This Thursday, June 3rd, we will come together and unite to be inspired and uplifted.

Featuring Masmidei HaSiyum Kumzitz with R’ Yaakov Bender; led by R’ Shloime Taussig, along with Shea Berko, Avrumi Berko and the Lev Voices, as well as zemiros v’hisorrerus by world renowned singer Srully Williger, and ‘Nitzotzei Ohr’ from everyone’s favorite Maggid, Rabbi Paysach Krohn; never-before-heard stirring stories from the victims and the aftermath of the Meron tragedy that will move and uplift us, this is an event, you do not want to miss.

Make sure to be there.

Tune in live on Thursday night June 3rd at 8pm. 

Join us and be inspired.

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