This Thursday! The Ki Heim Chayeinu Atzeres Achdus: Zemiros V’hisorrerus in the Aftermath of Meron

On Thursday 3rd June, Ki Heim Chayeinu will be hosting an Atzeres Achdus inspirational evening.

Since the unspeakable tragedy Klal Yisroel experienced on Lag B’omer, just a few weeks ago, Ki Heim Chayeinu has led Klal Yisroel in a response of Torah and Tefillah with the Mishnayos for Meron, Shas For Meron and Tehilim for Meron programs.

Through Masmidei HaSiyum and Mishnayos for Meron, thousands of children from around the world have learned tens of thousands of Mishnayos, completing Shisha Sidrei Mishnah multiple times.  

Thousands of men have learned daffim, finishing Shas, together with our partner Shas Hadchak.

Additionally, thousands of women and girls have said many thousands of perakim of Tehilim for the iluy neshama of those killed in Meron.

This Thursday, June 3, we will come together and unite to be inspired and uplifted. 

The livestream event will feature a unique Masmidei HaSiyum Kumzitz with R’ Yaakov Bender and hundreds of his talmidim of Yeshivas Darchei Torah, representing all the children from around the world who were part of this Masmidei haSiyum initiative. They will be led by R’ Shloime Taussig, along with Shea and Avrumi Berko and the Lev Voices.

We will also be joined in zemiros v’hisorrerus by world renowned singer Srully Williger. In recent years, Srully has taken the wedding scene by a storm with, and now he will continue to uplift and inspire us, performing stirring new lyrics to favorite nostalgic songs.

One of the highlights of the evening will be ‘Nitzotzei Ohr’ from the world’s favorite Maggid, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, who will share never-before-heard inspiring stories from the victims and the aftermath of the Meron tragedy, that will move and uplift us.

Mr Yechiel Eisenstadt, one of the founding committee of Masmidei haSiyum shares his feelings about the Mishnayos/Shas/Tehilim for Meron movement:

“In the days immediately following Lag B’Omer when we all heard the terrible news, I knew that we had to do something. Looking back, what better response could there have been than reaching out to our network of tens of thousands of children in yeshivas around the world and  asking them to learn mishnayos for the neshamos of the victims? As we know, mishnah and neshama share the same letters. And of course, initiating the precious learning of tinokos shel beis raban is an appropriate way for us to respond to events like this. We’re privileged to be able to facilitate this amount of learning and inspiration throughout Klal Yisroel and we hope that it will serve as a small nechamah for the families who have suffered.”

Don’t miss this unique event!

Tune in live on Thursday night 3rd June at 8pm. 

Join us and be inspired.

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