The Crown Jewel of Limud Hatorah.

To those who lay claims that Brooklyn can’t sustain a growing Kollel, we point the way proudly to the burgeoning Batei Medrashim and Kollelim of Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Vodaath. 

For years our Beis Medash was filled with serious bochurim, yungerleit, and Marbitzei Torah, learning the Yeshiva’s Mesechtos and Halacha. Under the Roshei Hayeshiva Horav Yosef Savitsky shlita and Horav Yisroel Reisman shlita together with the Rosh Kollel Nachlas Dovid, Rav Label Wulliger shlita, our Beis Medrash became home to many looking for a Rebbe.

Two years ago, when the Rosh Hayeshiva Horav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita, opened a post Eretz Yisroel chaburah with 30 bochurim, no one could predict the trajectory of growth that has been happening. With great Siyata D’shmaya, today this chaburah is a breathtaking composite of over 150 talmidei chachomim; The Beis Medrash resounds with the Kol Torah of over 30 kollel yungerleit and 120 bochurim from around the globe including Eretz Yisroel, Belgium and South Africa.

This chaburah is built upon the hatzlacha of our strong Mesivta, fantastic Mechina and a trailblazing Yeshiva Ketana that has set the standards in innovative chinuch.

This year especially, everyone is grateful to join in person on June 6, 2021 as we celebrate the Yeshiva’s growth and 102 years of Torah Excellence.

Journal Deadline – Yeshiva Torah Vodaath: TODAY – Monday May 31st!

Please email [email protected].

The Dinner will be dedicated in memory of the renowned and beloved Horav Reuven Scheiner zt”l, with a Siyum Hashas and new “Birchas Reuven Hamesivta” publication.

The Keren Birchas Reuven Endowment Fund, will be unveiled at the Dinner, focusing on expansion, growth, and raising the standard of living for the devoted Roshei Yeshiva and Rebbeim. Chairing the Campaign is a good friend of the Yeshiva, Mr. Erik Lindenauer.

The Dinner will feature special tributes to the graduating classes of 50 and 25 years ago. The 1970-71 class is being represented by Horav Mordechai Finkelman, Mr. & Mrs. Hertzy Hasenfeld, and Mr. and Mrs. Yanki Papa.

Representing the 1995-96 classes are Rabbi Sender Hollander, Mr. and Mrs. Shmulie Danzger, Mr. and Mrs. Motty Mendelowitz and Mr. & Mrs. Shragy Werner.

The Dinner Chairman is devoted alumnus of the Yeshiva, Mr. Dov Hollander, of Monsey, son of the legendary R’ Shiya Hollander.

Yeshiva Torah Vodaath is unique in its longevity, its rich Mesorah, and its commitment to meet every generation with the best chinuch. Young and old, great-grandfathers and great-grandsons, brothers and nephews join in acknowledging the Yeshiva’s impact and inspiration. 

Last year this time, no one knew what things would look like this year. It is with great Hakaras Hatov to the Ribono Shel Olam that all are looking forward to gathering, reminiscing, and connecting once more. 

For reservation, ads, and more information, please email [email protected].

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