Yeshiva Torah Vodaath: The Next Level

Growth. Expansion. Success. 

If there’s one thing this year has taught us, it’s that nothing is predictable. 

Not livelihood. Not world events. Not even life itself. 

But there is one thing we will always be able to predict:

The certainty of Torah – and its pure transmittal to the next generation. 

Enter Yeshiva Torah Vodaath. 

For 102 years strong, Torah Vodaath has been a stronghold of Torah-true Hashkafos, rock-solid chinuch, and strict adherence to the guidance of our Gedolim. 

But Torah Vodaath is not just a mainstay of the previous generations.

The Hanhalah stands on the shoulders of giants, prepared to produce a new era of giants.

With the pride of the past and the promise of the future.

With cutting-edge curricula and forward-thinking methods. 

With prized Rebbeim and skilled teachers. 

It’s an era of growth in every division. From pre-school to Kollel, 1,200 Talmidim strong are absorbed in the lessons and life of Torah every day. 

This year especially, everyone is grateful to IY”H be celebrating this growth in person on June 6, 2021. 

The Dinner will be dedicated in memory of the renowned and beloved Horav Reuven Scheiner zt”l, an outstanding Maggid Shiur for over fifty years. The talmidim and admirers will be completing Shas at a special Siyum in his memory. A new “Birchas Reuven Hamesivta” publication with Chidushim from Horav Scheiner zt”l and many talmidei hayeshiva will be distributed. 

Horav Scheiner was focused on building Bnei Torah, and building our Yeshiva. The Keren Birchas Reuven Endowment Fund, will be unveiled at the Dinner, focusing on expansion, growth, and raising the standard of living for the devoted Roshei Yeshiva and Rebbeim. Chairing the Campaign is a good friend of the Yeshiva, Mr. Erik Lindenauer.

The Dinner Chairman is devoted alumnus of the Yeshiva, Mr. Dov Hollander, of Monsey, son of the legendary R’ Shiya Hollander.

The Dinner will feature special tributes to the graduating classes of 50 and 25 years ago. The 1970-71 class is being represented by the renowned mechanech Horav Mordechai Finkelman and Mr. & Mrs. Hertzy Hasenfeld, Member of the Board, and long-time supporter. Mr. and Mrs. Yanki Papa, former parents, and current grandparents in the Yeshiva, will receive the Grandparents of the Year Award.

Representing the 1995-96 classes: A “homegrown” Marbitz Torah, Rabbi Sender Hollander – Harbotzas Torah awardee; Parents of several sons in the Yeshiva Mr. and Mrs. Shmulie Danzger will serve as Parents of the Year. Mr. and Mrs. Motty Mendelowitz from Yerushalyim, close talmid of the Rosh Hayeshiva Horav Yisroel Reisman shlita – Ohavei Torah awardees; In recognition of selfless devotion to the Yeshiva, 24/7 Mr. & Mrs. Shragy Werner – Director of Operations for close to 20 years and current Mechina parents will receive the Avodas Hakodesh Award.

Yeshiva Torah Vodaath is unique in its longevity, its rich Mesorah, and its commitment to meet every generation with the best chinuch. Young and old, great-grandfathers and great-grandsons, brothers and nephews join in acknowledging the Yeshiva’s impact and inspiration. 

Last year this time, no one knew what things would look like this year. It is with great Hakaras Hatov to the Ribono Shel Olam that all are looking forward to gathering, reminiscing, and connecting once more. 

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