Her Student Opened Up To Her. But It Was Only Half The Story…

Efrat Chagira is a free-spirited six year old girl who lives with her parents and five siblings in Eretz Yisroel. Teachers in her school have always marveled at the young girl’s artistic creativity, impressive and insightful questions, and overflowing love of life. But recently, the limudei kodesh teacher Mrs. Katz noticed that Efrat’s bubbly personality seemed to dampen. Efrat began showing up to school looking tired, and with a sad, hollow look in her eyes. She very often came without any food to eat. Mrs. Katz did what any Jewish mother would do: She pulled Efrat aside during recess and asked her if anything was troubling her. 

And in the most heartbreaking manner, little Efrat burst into tears. Very soon, the reason for her unusual behavior unfolded:

Efrat’s mother was battling cancer in her brainstem. Though she had fought cancer several times ever since she had gotten married, the cancer was back this time with a vengeance. She was out of the house receiving treatment most of the day and Efrat’s father was busy running from home to work to the hospital and back. Money was running dry, food was becoming scarce, and Efrat missed her parents being home for her. But most of all, her mother was fighting for her life, and Efrat was afraid.

Mrs. Katz’s heart felt like it was breaking into two.

She called up Efrat’s parents Ami and Chaya that night who confirmed the story. But she learned that there was more to the story, something that Efrat had not known: That the Chagiras had received an eviction notice in the mail. Before hanging up the phone, Mrs. Katz insisted to Chaya and Ami several times that they should let her know if there was anything she could do to help.

That night, Mrs. Katz couldn’t stop thinking about Efrat. Sweet, bubbly, free-spirited Efrat. How scared she must feel right now. How alone. How life had dampened her free spirit at such a young age. After hours of tossing and turning, Mrs. Katz realized that she had to do something to help. When the sun hit the sky, she reached out to the Vaad HaRabbanim who she described were incredible: They immediately put together an emergency fundraising campaign to help the Chagiras climb out of their debt and put food on the table.

Cancer is enough of a battle. Efrat’s family shouldn’t have to worry about finances. They should be focusing on fighting cancer together, as a family. Time is of the essence, and donations are urgently needed in order to save Efrat Chagira’s home. Those who wish to become involved can do so by clicking here before time runs out.

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